African Cultures By Young Africans: Namwanga Tribe

A few months back while having a Whatsapp conversation with a Ugandan friend on the language she thought I spoke at home. That conversation led to me deciding to run a blog series on African Cultures told by young Africans. So I talked to a few people and they loved the idea and so I am hoping that the series will grow bigger as we cover more and more cultures.


NAMWANGA TRIBE written by Mukandi Siame


Twitter: @MissMukandi


Only one person in the world still speaks Yagan, isn’t that amazing and sad all at once. If I was the last Namwanga alive I don’t know if I would be the right guardian of the language.  So I don’t know what to say about my tribe, I don’t know if this will be a just representation but I hope it gives a glimpse. I am writing this because Namwanga must live. I was born and raised in the Zambia version of the city, Lusaka. Lusaka is a twelve hour drive from Northern Province where my people, Namwanga people are from.

Namwanga is an amusing language. It sounds like it has borrowed words from the other seventy two tribes in Zambia but still manages to maintain its identity. I first heard it from my father, my mother says he spoke to me in the language when I was a toddler and I spoke it back, I called him “Baba”. So when I hear the language I don’t think of the Northern Province as the distant place that it is, I think of my father and I think of the value of legacy.

The Namwanga tribe is small, so small that I don’t date within my tribe because somehow I have ended up related to every Namwanga guy I have flirted with. Incest isn’t on my bucket list. All of our grandparents claim to be related to the Chiefteness Waitwika and because of that somehow we are all one blood. I have said my name many times to people and they don’t know where it is from, from my looks they think I am Lozi; Lozi is a prominent tribe in Zambia with its people known by their confidence, dark skin and height. I am tall, I am dark and confident but it has nothing to do with tribe, I am as Namwanga as they come. You see those are the lessons learned from a nation with many tribes, we learn to just accept people as part of us because there are no visual cues to tell us apart. Because of migration we speak each other’s languages and borrow each other’s practices and every single day we see the ‘One Zambia, One Nation’ mantra manifest.

My father died three years ago, it feels like yesterday not because of the pain but because of how his presence is still felt. He made the whole family sing Namwanga hymns before bed, he lectured us in Namwanga even when we couldn’t understand it and every year he took us on the twelve hour road trip to the village. In a nation where going abroad and forgetting your culture is deemed ‘cool’, my father made it cool to be Namwanga. I remember the long road trips, playing music by Kalambo Hit Parade. They were a string quartet that played Namwanga, Mambwe and Lungu songs, they have one album that I now know backwards front.

I like being Namwanga because we are unknown and under rated, every day is an opportunity to learn who I am as a Namwanga lady and to live free of stereotype. I like being Namwanga because we are right at the border, we have learned how to hustle and we speak languages from both here and across the border. I like being Namwanga because of the exaggeration and the flair of the language, how it rolls off the tongue and how everything has a specific sound effect. The funny words remind me of my father and my grandmother who uses hyperbole like her life depends on it.

If I was the last Namwanga alive I don’t know if that would increase the pressure or increase my pride in my heritage. I want to tell you so much. I want to tell you about the road that comes from Lusaka Province where I live to the Northern Province where Namwanga people are from; the road is twelve hours long. Twelve hours of scenery and some pot holes. I want to tell you about how the development seems to disappear and how the little children get poorer and happier the further you go up the road. I want to tell you about Muchinga Escarpment and how its boldness is something you can’t miss. I want to tell you about the sign post that shows the spot where David Livingstone and his friend Chuma passed through as they explored. I want to tell you about the Nachifuku caves where Bushmen drew on the cave walls about their culture. They were the last of their kind and they told their story even when they didn’t know they were the last of their kind.

I don’t have a cave, I have a laptop and some English words but somehow I want to tell you about my tribe. The places I just mentioned must seem like random words thrown around for sport but they are real and if I had the time I would have loved to share about each of them. They are all signs that you have arrived in the Northern part of Zambia, the place where Namwanga people are from. Because Zambia has so many languages, Nyanja and Bemba somehow arose above the rest and became the two languages you will find someone speaking at every point of the country. Not the Northern Province. Sure, because of geography some people speak a more complex dialect of Bemba as well as Namwanga, Mambwe, Lungu and Nyika. But the nature of the Namwanga language makes Bemba an exhausting language to speak for most Namwanga people. You see Bembas most pronounced consonant is the soft B sound, Namwanga has no soft B sound so Namwanga people chose not to speak Bemba and learned Swahili; a language spoken in the neighbouring country Tanzania. Tanzania is closer to Namwanga people and their villages than most parts of Zambia so it makes sense; geographically it makes sense that the languages and cultures of Tanzanian people at the border and the Zambian people at the border have meshed. Namwanga people learned how to trade and still have an eye for a good business deal to date. Another aspect of Namwanga people that even Zambians don’t understand is that we have a patrilineal society but women still get their own surnames and get to be Chief. There is a Chiefteness instead of a Chief. Her name is Waitwika or Nawaitwika. There are other chiefs within the province like Kafwimbi, Muyombe and Mwenechifungwe. All the chiefs have their headquarters in Isoka district while Waitwika’s headquarters is in Nakonde. A Namwanga person; also known as Mwinamwanga inherits their name, property and titles through their father’s line.  Namwanga last names are unique in that the have gender signifiers. A female last name begins with “Na” while a male begins with “Si”.  These prefixes are fixed to the names. For example; if a man named Silwimba had a daughter, her last name would be Nalwimba; woman born of Silwimba but the sons would be Silwimba as men. Sikapizye becomes Nakapizye, Sichalwe become Nachalwe and so on. The concept is actually simple when you grasp it. This is the same for the Mambwe and Lungu tribes. Among Namwanga people however, women belonging to the royal clan may have surnames totally different from their male counterparts. For example, males of the current royal clan are called Siame and the females are called Nakamba. Among the Mambwe and Lungu tribes, the females are called Niame.

There are various traditional ceremonies with different purposes. There is the Vikamkanimba, Ngondo, Chambo Chalutanga and the Mulasa. The most popular traditional ceremony is called Umutomolo. It is usually held at the banks of the Lake Chila. The lake is tiny but incredibly beautiful. There are many legends about the formation of the Lake and there are dances and songs performed to illustrate the tales. Some say the lake was formed when Chila and wild fruit gatherers refused to give some of that food to a hungry woman then the earth swallowed up the greedy Chila and his village and a lake was placed where they used to be. The lake is not big but he has sparked great interest and mystery. Military wares and relics from World War one where dumped in it and can be found settling at the bottom.  It also has the tendency to disappear and reappear. It is currently still there and the ceremony is performed on its banks. Here the spirits are appeased and thanked for the good year. There also dances and songs that depict how the tribes were separated and how the Mambwe, Lungu and Namwanga established their kingdom from their migrations. My favourite part of the ceremony is the food, the traditional brew and the songs. Northerners are such flamboyant people, they carry themselves with a pride that is forgiving of flaws and hard times. They just laugh and sing and tease each other. Namwanga is a colourful language and it is full of sayings and jokes and has an aged quality about it. Namwanga people love beans; different kinds of it and they grow it the most, they also grow a very aromatic and starchy rice. They also love pupwe, a vegetable leaf form of okra that is green and slimy, they mix it with beans and eat it with nsima. Nsima is a thick porridge starch made from maize meal throughout Africa and has many names and variances. There is a traditional beer brewed of millet called Katubi. It must be drank while its boiling through a wooden straw, it is intoxicating and only for ‘real men and women’. Probably why the ceremony is colourful.

I am glad I am Namwanga, yes stereotypes are usually wrong but I like to believe that Namwanga people are artistic, have a relaxed view of people and the world, they are almost born lovers of life. Because the language itself demands that one be vocal, Namwanga people are usually not shy, they are perceptive and slow to jump into a situation but they are not shy. My grandmother, the zaniest old lady I know is illiterate but she manages to save her contacts in her phone and knows who is calling and when. She is also dressed to the nines even when she is just home all day and refuses to gain weight or buy counterfeit products. She was my main reference when I wrote this and I am glad I asked her because now Namwanga history lives on and is passed from one person to several others.

It is hard to stay current, to look behind at the past and at the same time to think of the future. Rural-urban migration has made us all one people, aspiring for the advanced pleasures of city life. Every day presents opportunities that draw me further away from my original culture and I will admit that I am scared. I don’t want the flavour of being different to ever wear out. Being different and yet co-existing makes life a special experience. So writing this piece made me want to call my grandmother, she is the only person I know who speaks Namwanga fluently. It made me mark the calendar for next year’s Umutomolo in July. It made me play the Kalambo Hit Parade tape that has been playing songs sang in Namwanga since I was five years old. Namwanga was my second language, my grandmother and father made sure I knew where I was from, they made sure I knew the riddles and parables they knew when they were my age. My father has been dead for years but when I think about my culture I think about him, the source of my heritage. We bonded through culture and created memories on our many road trips to the village. I hope that one day I can share the same moments and experiences with more people.





Published by Afrikan Princess

I am an avid traveler with a background in copywriting, social media management, art exhibition and music festival curation. I am a huge bookworm who not only enjoys getting lost in books, but I also enjoy writing on topics such as travel, art and fashion. I am interested in working in any projects relating to copywriting for small businesses, fiction writing, curating exhibitions for visual artists in Africa. I am also keen to work with small businesses in developing their social media strategies. Africa is my first love and I am currently having a great time exploring her.

30 thoughts on “African Cultures By Young Africans: Namwanga Tribe

  1. Mukandi, Mukombe you have done a very great thing. I am very much Namwanga but beyond that, I think it is great to keep our roots and be proud of what we are. It is something we cannot change but accept and be proud of it.


    1. Great read! It was insightful and from the heart. Completely objective and informative. This is a wonderful journey that you have embarked on and I wish you all the best as you do your part in keeping our culture alive!


  2. Great idea. The namwangas I have met have been looking forward to see how they can keep truck of our tribe. I think this may be the starting point. I know 90% of the language and a bit if history of our tribe. Am from the royal family chief Kafwimbi and Mwenimpanza.
    I can be contacted on 0966330828 or 0955503265


    1. Any information on the cultural practice where the aunt gives off her niece to her husband in marriage? Please


  3. Job well done dear.
    Am planning to start writing a book about a Namwanga marriage tradition called “impokeleshi” where the aunt gives her niece to her husband as a wife. If you have any information concerning this practice Please send it to me or share a link to where I can find the information.


  4. I am namwanga too pure,I love my tribe,my people and the language it self. My last name Simposya came from two outcasts,I am told they were two brothers named Simfukwe who were sent out of the village of chief mwenichifungwe for some reason.They settled under a tree that produces a fruit known as imposya in namwanga and changed their name from Simfukwe to Simposya.its feels so good to know your roots…


  5. A nice and exciting piece of work. The flow of the story make you yearn for more. It is too short. There is much more that can be done if we put our heads together, especially those who have had the opportunity to scratch out some education. I am Sinyinza whose parents were both Namwanga (Iwa) from Chief Kafwimbi. We are the legitimate chiefs of the Namwanga-Iwas found in the Isoka area, truth be told, however let sleeping dogs lie. I am able to speak Namwanga, although it is adulterated by my long stay on the Copperbelt. I can be reached on +260 966991411. Achizima tukate wayaya!
    Mwenichiwutwe Sinyinza.


  6. Ne Sinyinza Fortson e mwana wali Sentikumi Sinyinza. Nafuma mwe wali Lakelo Nambeye. E NRC we baba akalanjizya:
    Village Andrew Sichande or simply “Andrew”
    Chief, Kafwimbi. My late mother’s village is Chilanga, about 10Km from Isoka on the Isoka Nakonde road (The Great North Road). My current village is Changala about 15Km from Isoka along the Great North Road as you go to Nakonde. This is where you currently find the first Jehovahs Witness along this great road.

    It feels so nice that one is forced to go on and on!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Eya eya womelezyani awantu witu ukukunda uwinamwanga. Nawomelezwa nkaninye nee nakunda nkaninye. Ndanji nakwiwunba lya Ichinamwanga pa Facebook tuwakwizizya ponga nukusambilizyanya

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I realise this is an old post but I hope you see it. I need some translations from English into Namwanga. A few common words, like Mom and Dad and keep getting conflicting words from the Namwanga speaking people I know. Would you know where I can get a dictionary for this.


  9. hey!i’m actually doing a mini lnguage project. Don’t know if you still need the translations but hit me up if you might need again in the future and i can share with you when the “mini-hanbook” is done, or even via twitter i can dm you. Another good place in the meantime just because bible translations tend to come from people who know the language deeply is na x


  10. Great article. Let’s keep the good work of writing about our history and culture. We must research beyond Tanzania as our original place. Check my article on google “The true story of the true Hebrews has never been told.” Am also looking for a book which shows that Namwanga has roots kola in the boarders Angola. Though in my article I only mentioned that Tonga, Ila, Namwanga and Mambwe together with Lemba or Zezulu came are the same people coming from north east Africa. Thanks.


  11. This article if super splendid and I’d like to have a copy of any book talking about my tribe as a namwanga person.
    I’m so glad that this information can be also found on media let’s keep our tribe on higher level.
    I’m Silwimba and I love that my surname is in this article and I’d like to know more about namwanga about the origin, how we hitted Zambia and how we can came up with the name namwanga and what does it mean?.
    Thank you waiting for the hard book


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